Maximising the use of wood in construction as a contribution to net zero: the MainWood research project.

Using more wood in durable buildings and replacing greenhouse gas-intensive materials like steel and concrete with wood products can help fight climate change effectively. The MainWood project aims to study the technological advancements needed and assess the ecological, economic, technical, social, and political impacts of how the wood industry can contribute to achieving the Federal Council’s net-zero targets for 2050.

Read the full publication here (German language):

Maximierung der Verwendung von Holz im Bauwesen als Beitrag zu Netto-Null – das Forschungsprojekt «MainWood»

November 23, 2023 - This study is published in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen (SZF) by Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul, Prof. Dr. Harald Bugmann, Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hellweg, Prof. Dr. Janine Schweier, Yves Weinand and Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling.


S-WIN Dialogue platform 2023


Drought and heat reduces the carbon uptake in forests.