Julia Achatz
PhD student at Empa aiming to support the wood industry and sustainability with computer vision and deep learning algorithms.
Dr. Rathod Bhanupratap
Postdoc at ETH Zurich studying material science and structural mechanics for low-carbon and regenerative buildings.
Dr. Martin Bruckner
Dr. Coralie Brumaud
Prof. Harald Bugmann
At ETH Zürich since 1999 focusing on decadal to centennial scale forest dynamics and succession using field data and individual-based models.
Dr. Vanessa Burg
Postdoc at ETH Zürich, focussing on sustainable bio-resources management, transdisciplinary approaches and GIS.
Prof. Ingo Burgert
Professor for Wood Materials Science at ETH Zurich and Empa focussing on wood materials development and scaling.
Alex Cao
PhD student ETH Zürich focussing on timber buildings at the Institute of Structural Engineering.
Anne Dray
Lukas Esser
PhD student at ETH Zürich with a focussing on improving the robustness of timber structures.
Dr. Shayani Fernando
Postdoc at WSL focusing on modelling the future development of the Swiss Wood construction sector.
Prof. Andrea Frangi
Professor for timber structures at the Institute of Structural Engineering at ETH Zürich since 2010.
Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul
Professor for ecosystems management ETH Zurich since 2005, focussing on plant reproductive ecology and land use change.
Damien Gilliard
PhD student at EPFL focussing on roundwood construction, specifically forest-gathered data and geometrical variations of wood in construction.
Prof. Verena Griess
Professor of Forest Resources Management at ETH Zürich focussing on managing forests for an uncertain future.
Prof. Guillaume Habert
Assistant Professor for Sustainable Construction ETH Zürich since 2012, focussing on LCA, urban metabolism and material science.
Prof. Stefanie Hellweg
Professor for Ecological Systems Design at ETH Zürich focussing on environmental assessment of products, processes & technologies.
Sina Heubel
PhD student at ETH Zürich focussing on the economic impacts of climate change on forest management and planning in Switzerland.
Dr. Aleksandra Kim
Postdoc at ETH Zurich working on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of building stock models.
Dr. Frank Krumm
Forest ecologist at WSL focussing on the integration of biodiversity into management for multifunctional forests.
Dr. Eva Lieberherr
Social scientist at ETH Zürich who focussing on sustainable solutions for governing and managing the environment beyond technical fixes.
Dr. Achille Mauri
Scientist at ETH Zürich focussing on modeling the impact of climate change on forests and their ecosystem services.
Dr. Eugénie Paul-Limoges
Scientist at WSL focussing on forest ecology and carbon sequestration.
Dr. Jeanne Portier
Scientist working at WSL focusing on modelling natural forest development processes such as tree mortality.
Prof. Andreas Rigling
Adjunct Professor at ETH Zürich / WSL focussing on forest growth and global change.
Francesca Rosa
PhD student at ETH Zürich focussing on modeling biodiversity impacts caused by various land uses.
Carlo Schmid
PhD student at ETH Zurich working on environmental impact assessments and building stock modelling.
Jessica Schneider
Master student at ETH Zürich (Environmental Sciences department), helping with the website maintenance.
Dr. Mark Schubert
Group leader at EMPA WoodTec research group focussing on the development of machine learning algorithms for wood use.
Dr. Tobias Schulz
Economist and political scientist at WSL focussing on policy change to reconcile use and protection of natural resources.
Dr. Janine Schweier
Forest Scientist and head of WSL Sustainable Forestry research group focussing on forest ecosystem services, economy and digitalization.
Oliver Truffer
Upcoming PhD student interested in analyzing policies that target interactions between forests, climate, and biodiversity.
Dr. Giacomo Vaccario
Senior assistant at ETH Zürich. Complex systems data scientist.
Prof. Yves Weinand
Professor for Timber Constructions at EPFL focussing on technical and static possibilities of wooden materials.
Dr. Astrid Zabel
Environmental economist at U-Bern Centre for Development and Environment (CDE). focussing on monetary values of forests.