• Julia Achatz

    PhD student at Empa aiming to support the wood industry and sustainability with computer vision and deep learning algorithms.

  • Dr. Rathod Bhanupratap

    Postdoc at ETH Zurich studying material science and structural mechanics for low-carbon and regenerative buildings.

  • Dr. Martin Bruckner

  • Dr. Coralie Brumaud

  • Prof. Harald Bugmann

    At ETH Zürich since 1999 focusing on decadal to centennial scale forest dynamics and succession using field data and individual-based models.

  • Dr. Vanessa Burg

    Postdoc at ETH Zürich, focussing on sustainable bio-resources management, transdisciplinary approaches and GIS.

  • Prof. Ingo Burgert

    Professor for Wood Materials Science at ETH Zurich and Empa focussing on wood materials development and scaling.

  • Alex Cao

    PhD student ETH Zürich focussing on timber buildings at the Institute of Structural Engineering.

  • Anne Dray


  • Lukas Esser

    PhD student at ETH Zürich with a focussing on improving the robustness of timber structures.

  • Dr. Shayani Fernando

    Postdoc at WSL focusing on modelling the future development of the Swiss Wood construction sector.

  • Prof. Andrea Frangi

    Professor for timber structures at the Institute of Structural Engineering at ETH Zürich since 2010.

  • Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul

    Professor for ecosystems management ETH Zurich since 2005, focussing on plant reproductive ecology and land use change.

  • Damien Gilliard

    PhD student at EPFL focussing on roundwood construction, specifically forest-gathered data and geometrical variations of wood in construction.

  • Prof. Verena Griess

    Professor of Forest Resources Management at ETH Zürich focussing on managing forests for an uncertain future.

  • Prof. Guillaume Habert

    Assistant Professor for Sustainable Construction ETH Zürich since 2012, focussing on LCA, urban metabolism and material science.

  • Prof. Stefanie Hellweg

    Professor for Ecological Systems Design at ETH Zürich focussing on environmental assessment of products, processes & technologies.

  • Sina Heubel

    PhD student at ETH Zürich focussing on the economic impacts of climate change on forest management and planning in Switzerland.

  • Dr. Aleksandra Kim

    Postdoc at ETH Zurich working on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of building stock models.

  • Dr. Frank Krumm

    Forest ecologist at WSL focussing on the integration of biodiversity into management for multifunctional forests.

  • Dr. Eva Lieberherr

    Social scientist at ETH Zürich who focussing on sustainable solutions for governing and managing the environment beyond technical fixes.

  • Dr. Achille Mauri

    Scientist at ETH Zürich focussing on modeling the impact of climate change on forests and their ecosystem services.

  • Dr. Eugénie Paul-Limoges

    Scientist at WSL focussing on forest ecology and carbon sequestration.

  • Dr. Jeanne Portier

    Scientist working at WSL focusing on modelling natural forest development processes such as tree mortality.

  • Prof. Andreas Rigling

    Adjunct Professor at ETH Zürich / WSL focussing on forest growth and global change.

  • Francesca Rosa

    PhD student at ETH Zürich focussing on modeling biodiversity impacts caused by various land uses.

  • Carlo Schmid

    PhD student at ETH Zurich working on environmental impact assessments and building stock modelling.

  • Jessica Schneider

    Master student at ETH Zürich (Environmental Sciences department), helping with the website maintenance.

  • Dr. Mark Schubert

    Group leader at EMPA WoodTec research group focussing on the development of machine learning algorithms for wood use.

  • Dr. Tobias Schulz

    Economist and political scientist at WSL focussing on policy change to reconcile use and protection of natural resources.

  • Dr. Janine Schweier

    Forest Scientist and head of WSL Sustainable Forestry research group focussing on forest ecosystem services, economy and digitalization.

  • Oliver Truffer

    Upcoming PhD student interested in analyzing policies that target interactions between forests, climate, and biodiversity.

  • Dr. Giacomo Vaccario

    Senior assistant at ETH Zürich. Complex systems data scientist.

  • Prof. Yves Weinand

    Professor for Timber Constructions at EPFL focussing on technical and static possibilities of wooden materials.

  • Dr. Astrid Zabel

    Environmental economist at U-Bern Centre for Development and Environment (CDE). focussing on monetary values of forests.