“We develop forest management strategies to maximize wood production and increase the resilience of our forest, respecting its values for biodiversity.”
We will develop scenarios of forest growth and wood production in Switzerland under anticipated climate and forest management conditions. Scenarios will be validated through collaboration with national, regional, and local stakeholders. The forest planning model that we develop will enable informed dialogue with stakeholders.
To assess tree species’ climate suitability and growth dynamics that are embedded in the forest management scenario), we will employ process-based models.
In five case study regions in Switzerland, we explore the effect of our four forest management scenarios ranging from a focus on biodiversity to more construction wood. Core stakeholder groups in all five regions are essential in helping us understand their current forest management practices as well as how the different scenarios could possibility be implemented in their regions. In the end, we will also discuss the acceptance of the different scenarios and their results with larger stakeholder groups. We are extremely grateful to the core stakeholders (list below) involved in our work.
Luca Plozza, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Lukas Kobler, Kantonsförster StV, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Marco Vanoni, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Thomas Tschuor, Revierförster Lostallo, Soazza
Emanuele Neve, Revierförster San Vittore -
Marco Vanoni, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Christian Buchli, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Reto Tiri, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Patricia Kälin, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Renaldo Lutz, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren
Thomas Bearth, Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren -
Raphael Bienz, Sektion Waldbewirtschaftung
Rolf Treier, Revierförster und Betriebsleiter Forstbetrieb Homberg-Schenkenberg
Jeremias Boss, Revierförster und Betriebsleiter Forstbetrieb Wid
Andreas Bühler, Revierförster und Betriebsleiter Forst&Dienste Laufenburg-Gansingen
Nils Osterwalder, Kreisförster Forstkreis 1
Felix Moor, WaldAargau -
Urs Felder, Leiter Waldregion Entlebuch bei Kanton Luzern
Lukas Balmer, Waldgenossenschaft oberes Entlebuch
Oswald Aschwanden, Förster HFF, Entlebucher Wald-Holz GmbH
Michiel Fehr, Leiter Waldregion Luzern
André Bucheli, Regionale Wald-Genossenschaft-Fontannen -
Jean Rosset, Canton de Vaud
David Roy, Canton de Vaud
Luca Cornuz, Canton de Vaud
Thomas Zumbrunnen, Canton de Vaud
Case study region Entlebuch
Case study region Jurapark
Case study region Vaud
Case study region Surselva
Case study region Mesolcina
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling
Prof. Dr. Harald Bugmann
Prof. Dr. Verena Griess
Dr. Frank Krumm
Dr. Tobias Schulz
Dr. Achille Mauri
Dr. Eugénie Paul-Limoges
Dr. Jeanne Portier
Sina Heubel