Montagskolloquium 2024
MainWood project:
Development of sustainable scenarios for a bioeconomy in timber construction
05 February 2024, 14:15–17:15
Hörsaal CHN C14, Universitätstrasse 16, ETH Zürich
This Monday colloquium presents ongoing work from the MainWood project and related projects. The MainWood research team works along the entire forest-timber supply chain, addressing climate change impacts on forest dynamics, resource provision, new wood-based building materials, innovative design and construction, and life cycle assessment. In the colloquium we will present:
1) future scenarios of forest growth and wood production in Switzerland under expected climate and forest management conditions,
2) directions for promoting hardwood, and,
3) a new wood material concept and discuss these from different perspectives.
Speakers f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling (ETH Zurich, MainWood), Dr. Eugénie Paul-Limoges (WSL, MainWood), Prof. Dr. Ingo Burgert (EMPA, MainWood), Dr. Astrid Zabel (Uni Bern, MainWood), Olin Bartlome (S-Win), Paolo Camin (Waldschweiz), Michael Reinhard (BAFU).
14:15-14:25 - Introduction
Jaboury Ghazoul & Eva Lieberherr (ETH Zurich, MainWood)
14:25-15:05 Future scenarios of wood production
Eugénie Paul-Limoges (WSL, MainWood)
Andreas Rigling (ETH Zurich, MainWood)
Michael Reinhard (BAFU)
15:05-15:45 Directions for promoting the use of hardwood outside the energy sector
Astrid Zabel (Uni Bern, MainWood)
Paolo Camin (Waldschweiz)
16:15-16:55 A new wood material concept based on split rods
Ingo Burgert (EMPA, MainWood)
Olin Bartlome (S-Win)
16:55-17:15 Discussion